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Everyone's skin has a natural way to lose dead skin cells from the surface of the top layers of the skin.  This natural process is called "desquamation,"  Exfoliation is a term used and it means to "accelerate" the process  by using various exfoliating products.  Microbeads, facial scrubs and chemical peels seem to be popular exfoliants to use these days but leave people with sensitive skin wondering where to turn when they want to exfoliate their skin, but not exfoliate it off.  The answer is powder exfoliants.  Powder exfoliants gently exfoliate the skin without being too harsh.

There are two different processes used to exfoliate.  One is called "chemical" and the other is "mechanical".  If you want to remove the dead skin to reveal the healthy skin beneath and also keep the healthy skin from getting irritated in the process, then the "mechanical" way would work best for you.  Common exfoliants typically have acids in them that irritate or burn the skin.  Chemically oriented exfolliants rely on these acidic ingredients to remove not only the dead skin but quite often the healthy layer as well resulting in a red, blotchy looking face. 

Remove Dead Skin and Reveal the Beauty Beneath!

Why Exfoliate?

The mechanical structure of POWDERWorks facial exfoliant includes collagen which also encourages collagen production by being similar to the ceremides that reside in your skin which is a type of fat within the layers that helps in retaining moisture.  POWDERWorks facial exfoliant combines all natural non irritating minerals and oils to nourish the skin while gently but effectively rolling away the unwanted dead skin so your face, neck and decolletage is left feeling smoother, brighter and softer than ever before.  

POWDERWorks utilizes a patent pending technology of "rolling action" to remove only the unwanted dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin leaving behind a very happy healthy face!  This process is referred to as "mechanical."  The unique formulation of our advanced product starts as a powder and remains a powder even after it is massaged onto the face so you never experience residue left after rinsing which can lead to clogged pores.  

​Purchase POWDERWorks

Purchase Price:  $39 - $117

No Harsh Acids

No Red Blotches

Non Abrasive

No Irritation 

Perfect for Sensitive Skin

Removes Only Unwanted Skin

   POWDERWorks - skincare - exfoliant - facial - healthy - skin - rolling - action - non - irritant - safe - teens - adults - natural.


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